Burnout two - electric boogaloo
So it would seem that I severely underestimated my burnout being over.
The last few months were a mixed bag creativity-wise, and overall as well I suppose. Towards the end of summer, things did end up piling up, there was a bit of a Big Sad ™ brewing, I just didn’t know it yet.
I was feeling stuck in life and stuck with my art and I was holding myself back by trying to work on a project that I couldn’t get myself to work on. So after a talk with my very dear friend (talking to friends about my issues is something new to me still, I have to say… I was never the sharing my troubles type. I always remember the time one of my high school friends said something along the lines of me being lucky because my parents were happy together - well if nothing else, that certainly solidified that I was very good at hiding my troubles in life, not sure why I felt like I had to, though. Anyways, sizeable side tangent aside - )
I decided to scrap the comic I was working on - or rather, I was going to work on. In hindsight, the fact that I couldn’t get myself to do more than think about working on the comic but never looking forward to actually working on it is a pretty big tell that it wasn’t meant to happen.
It’s sad though, I love the characters, I love their story and I had some ambitious plans for the style of the comic - but I had to let go. I was holding myself back, by feeling like I HAD to do this comic, even though I would’ve rather done anything else than work on it… I do end up falling into the same traps with myself. Maybe it’s the (undiagnosed, thanks to the 3-year wait time) ADHD. Maybe I just overthink things.
So, Llost is not happening. Not the way I planned it, not when I planned it. It might still come around, maybe in the form of something else, in the future.
But I can finally look towards some newer ideas. I’m in no rush. I can still feel that I’m a bit burned out on working on comics. Thankfully, not art in general, I had lots of fun designing characters the past few months for clients and adoptables. But I still feel like I have a hard time getting into the comic-making mindset, no matter how much I love the medium and how much I love making them. Sometimes the brain just has enough, I guess.