I told you not to get lost in the wild

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the web. However you stumbled upon here, if you decide to look around, you’ll find my art, comics, characters and just things that I enjoy and want to showcase.

I, like many others, used to have a personal site sometime back in the early-to-mid 2000s, a hobby that I lost to the emergence of social media giants - but for a while now, I felt more and more nostalgic about the feeling of having my own custom place on the internet - so Literally Fictional was born. As you look around, mind your step, the site’s still a work in progress, but enjoy your stay!

Site updates

01.31.2025. She's alive! Sorry for the big break, life's been a lot. Lots of changes: added a new character, added more art to Mire's page, added 2 new pixel dividers on the for you page, changed the blog and added a new entry, removed the chat from the sidebar (technical issues), did some general upkeep and added new links. And I have plans for more, since I got bit by the website bug again, so more coming soon!

10.18.2024.Back from the dead. New blog entry. Did away with the iframe design, because it was causing some issues with the gallery I had no patience to fix now. I might try again later.

06.13.2024. New description on Mire's page and edited it a bit. Added a short story.

06.07.2024. New layout, trying out an iframe design. New gallery, added more art. New dividers added to for you page. Added a section about the site to the about you page, added past layout gallery.

04.28.2024. Added more art to the Art page and to Mire's page.

04.16.2024. Added a new header logo, and new webrings

03.16.2024. Added comics page, added Clubs & Rings page for pixel clubs and webrings, added more links and neighbours, added more blinkies and stamps and made a buttons section on my hoard page, added more credits. Just a whole lot of sitekeeping and tweaking.

03.09.2024. Added some new links and started my Afternoon Tea collection, made and added my teacup. Added a chat to the sidebar.

03.06.2024. Added character pages for Basil, Mire and Flann. Added a link. Added art to the gallery.

03.04.2024. New layout (already), I wasn't entirely happy with the last one

06.13.2024. New description on Mire's page and edited it a bit. Added a short story.

06.07.2024. New layout, trying out an iframe design. New gallery, added more art. New dividers added to for you page. Added a section about the site to the about you page, added past layout gallery.

04.28.2024. Added more art to the Art page and to Mire's page.

04.16.2024. Added a new header logo, and new webrings

To do list