The Rose of Sheffield

The thorn and the rose
Flann Thorne - better known as The Rose of Sheffield, famous arena fighter in the town of Sheffield, a town she came to, many years ago, with plans of revenge.
Flann lived a simple life, in a small, prosperous village, a small farm, a husband and a child - it was all she wanted, and all she lost… The prosperity of the village caught the eye of the Baron of Sheffield,
who seized the area, and in the violent takeover, Flann lost her daughter, her one and only Rose.
She couldn’t let go, she vowed revenge, worked every day to get stronger, went to Sheffield with only one goal: to reach the Baron and kill him. She became a fighter in the arena, to earn fame, to get closer to the Baron…
but as her fame and fortune grew, her goal was still out of reach. She got famous enough to earn a title, from the Baron himself… The Rose of Shefflield. Was he trying to mock her? Taunt her? Did he know? It didn’t matter.
She couldn’t kill him, he was still out of reach…
Until she met with a ragtag group, sent on a mission that finally led her to the Barony… finally a chance to kill the Baron, to enact her revenge. Only to learn that the Baron she knew had been dead for quite some time now,
succeeded by his son… She could’ve done it, she thought about it, really. A child for a child, wouldn’t that be fair? Wouldn’t that be enough? Wouldn’t that make everything better?
She walked away. The others didn’t help, they didn’t understand. How could they, all so young, just kids themselves in her eyes… But maybe, maybe now, this new figure, offering her what she wants - maybe now she will be able to
make a change.
For Rose.


Fun facts & extras
Fun facts
- She's a retired character I played in a 4-shot (that turned into a 5-shot, that turned into a campaign) I have a new character, but she might turn up as an NPC. She's in the DM's hands now.
- I don't know what her fate is currently.
- She had a locket with the picture of her daughter in it. None of the party got to see this.
- She had a tavern named after her in Sheffield.